Friday, 20 April 2007

why i've dogged the first bit of the friday event

ok this is a sensation. i have never, ever missed a friday event yet it is 11:14 and im typing this. why? i got so caught up animating i didnt notice the time untill a moment ago. but i think i should be excused as this is too cool for school fool! this is my first ever stop motion animation! its called dinosaur vs blobman and took me about 5 minutes to think up and around an hour to make last night. it's inspired by the work of simpo (thanks paul) whose dvd's from the library you should all watch (except i've got them till monday so stop the stampede) its a bit guff in places but considering i did it using a folding desk, paper, pen, plastercine and a toy dinosaur i found the other day id say its ok. there should be more of these to come, possibly later on today so keep watchin'!

bysy byes


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