Wednesday, 18 April 2007

what a waste

ok folks and folkettes this really was a wasted day i got nothing done. i spent my entire time looking for artist/animators with some degree of success but couldnt get any good films to link to here (i'll try tomorrow) it was one of those days where you spend all the time working but have nothing physical to show. so anyway that brings me to the little piece of animation sitting at the left here which is something i did to cheer myself up (har har.) its a bit sick but so am i at times. it reminds me of a icelandic cartoonist who ill try to remember the name of so you can all read his book which is really evil. anyway ill be back to doing arty stuff tomorrow (i hope) but ive run out of time and have to go to work soon. please direct letter bombs and hate mail regarding my animation to the creator of mr blobby as he deserves it more than me... making fun of an acne sufferer with mental difficulties. peace love and santa pie


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