Friday, 18 May 2007

a rowdy roundup! yahoo!

ok weird world watchers, we've reached the end of our illustrious career and are leaving the fair shores of blogger for ever!.... or not. but my project is over so heres a roundup of tha shiznit. we started out with some serious stuff on planet nerd but then moved on over to the lighter side of life and much hilarity ensued. we took a deco at several different styles of animation and eventually made a wee film with theme tune an everyfin (shmart eh?!) then i went on a tangent (the number 62 to insanium) and drew a big toon strip for me final piece. hows that for a twist taggart? unfortunately no photos of said exist at the mo but when assesment time is over ill take and post a few. anyhow thats yer lot and all i can say is "frankly my dear; im being sued for copyright over this qoute!"

your all lovely, try the veal, peace out, sionara and good-byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!


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